Monday, August 8, 2011

How crazy do you think this coincidence is?

In "The Simpsons", Season 11, episode 15, which aired on February 20, 2000, Mr. Burns says to Bart, thinking that he's Homer, "Simpson! I've just reviewed your tenure performance record, and it's appalling." Bart then says, "But I'm not Homer Simpson,", to which Burns replies,"I think I know who Homer Simpson is.In ten short years, you've caused 17 meltdowns. One is to many." Bart interrupts and says, "Yeah, but-" and Mr. Burns interrupts and says, " sold weapons grade plutonium to th Iraqis...with no mark-up!" Of course, it was a joke about the whole "weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East" theory and about Mr. Burns' degree of evility, but they had no idea that 9/11 would happen or that the Iraqis would be suspected culprits (of course, Iraq was not linked to it.) Please don't think that I'm a racist or Islamaphobic because of this question. I have always believed that most Iraqis and Muslims are good people (like thos of any other race or religion) and they all have the capacity to be good people, just like anyone else.

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