Monday, August 8, 2011

Do you go for walks with your kid(s)?

When my daughter was 2 she could walk for an hour but not in the direction I needed her to. When we walked in the forest I would just let her go and follow her but when we needed to walk an hour to my mother's house once a week I needed the stroller. We would just not have got there. I still used to take the stroller when we went to the forest - kids of that age can get very tired very quickly and need to sleep. I got one that weighed 7lbs so I could easily sling it over my shoulder. I kept her stroller until she was three because we have no car and its not unusual for me to walk 8 miles to a set destination. When a child gets tired and refuses to move there is very little you can do when they are two except carry them and they can be quite heavy then. My daughter is now 7 and will walk miles and miles to somewhere fun and then give me grief all the way back. However she is now old for me to tell her to do as she is told and stop whining.

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